
  • 4 Key Reasons to Order Cookies Online

    Gimmee Jimmy's Black and White Cookies Gimmee Jimmy's Black and White Cookies

    Cookies are timeless, always invited, and forever appreciated. There is nothing like coming home to warm cookies after school, or a colleague who gifts their cookies at lunch to your desk.

    That is, when cookies are soft, fresh, and tasty, like Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies. When we were developing our cookies, and figuring out how to ship them out, free, throughout America, we remembered that feeling of coming home to our mothers soft homemade cookies, and use that are our benchmark. To this day, we regularly send cookies to our families and employees to quality test the cookies freshness and packaging.

    So what makes Ordering Cookies Online a true blue homestyle experience? Well if its Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies, its the perks.



    Birthdays, Weekends, Holidays, its just the nature of a business that some times it closes. It's true, Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies closes for passover, but our kosher online bakery never closes. Buying online lets you free up time for everything else important in life. With Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies date picking tool, you can choose in advance what day you would like your cookies to be delivered! That means that tomorrow, you can start shopping for your great grand daughters college graduation!


    Remember the homemade presents that you made for your parents? They loved them!!! Now, you might be a little older, but choosing a well thought out gift still makes a huge impact. Shopping for cookies online, especially with Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies, allows you to customize the perfect gift by choosing flavors, tin type, and even adding a gift message to every package! With over 20 cookie and rugelach flavors to choose from, your custom gift is guaranteed to impress.

    Always Fresh, Always Free Shipping Always Fresh, Always Free Shipping


    Have you ever heard the phrase "It takes one to know one?" well in the case of building a business, we know how to get great clients to try our cookies and build business relationships. When we were first starting to build our company, we shipped thousands of small cookie samples to businesses across America, the next holiday season, nearly 98% of those people who received samples, sent cookies to their clients!

    Gifts are a great way to engage with your clients, build relationships, and say hello! With our "Easy Order Uploader" customers can upload up to 200 addresses and with a click of a few buttons, order!

    Baked Daily - Always Fresh Baked Daily, For the Perfect Gift.


    Fresh.Baked.Cookies....Soft and chewy, its hard to find that anywhere, let alone online, but Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies offers the perfect cookies, for the perfect occasions, at the best price! The best part is, its totally free shipping! Always!


    - Freeman

  • Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies in the News (Issue 1)

    There is nothing more satisfying than seeing Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies being featured in several online news websites, podcasts, and even extensively through Instagram!

    Below are two "Industry" related articles and podcasts featuring Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies. We keep getting calls to comment on the loyalty, and gift-giving market, so expect more to come in the future!

    If you haven't been following our social media accounts, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and soon on Youtube and Snapchat!

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  • Cookies are the Keys to Your Customer’s Heart (at least we think so!)

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    Have you considered changing the way you give gifts?  Whether it’s around the office, in the holiday season, or even around the house, there is no wrong way to give cookies.  Cookies tend to make everyone’s eyes brighten up—and that’s whether they’re on a diet (and now have no choice but to cheat just a little bit) or if they’re hungry and craving a daytime or evening time snack.


    Cookies have the honor of being a non-committal gift, meaning they go over well at parties and never make anyone feel uncomfortable.  Yet, they elicit such a huge emotional reaction.  Chances are, your office buddies are going to remember your gift cookies months after the fact…maybe they’ll even start to expect them every year.  


    Cookies are also an ideal way to reach out to your customers.  Too many companies play it safe nowadays, at a time when thinking outside the box is crucial.  Customers don’t want 15% savings.  They want to be wowed, impressed and wooed.  


    That’s why little gifts, even as inexpensive as free cookies, will work miracles when it comes to creating positive associations with your customers.  They will feel loyalty to your company, remembering pretty much just the taste of the cookies.  Who cares about pricing or seasonal savings?  Those cookies were awesome.  You may well have a customer for life if you keep that trend up.

    Speaking of trends, Digital Social Retail reported that in 2015 customers were sending a clear message to their favorite and not so favorite brands: we want to work harder to get better rewards and incentives.


    Loyalty incentives were far more successful when customers were prompted to take specific action, not just make the usual purchases.  Omnichannel engagement was also a plus, as the most successful brands understood that the relationship never “checks out” even after the line ends.  Brands are accessible 24-7 via social networking.  So what are you doing to keep yourself fresh in mind during those crucial daytime hours?


    Lastly, emotional loyalty prompted the best results.  Loyalty programs based on logic underperformed because loyalty relationships are not logical by nature.  They grow based on intense emotions, and in the case of business, rewards and incentives that make the customer feel valued and perhaps even an evangelizer to the brand.


    Just some information to keep in mind regarding your gift-giving options.  You can’t go wrong with cookies because everyone loves cookies.  And in this age of simulated everything and online everywhere…the personal connection is like a giant hug from a friend.  

  • What Do Customers Want? Stronger Relationships


    There is an intrinsic irony in the fact that legally, a corporation is seen as a person, and yet we often forget to be personable.

    As Gimmee Jimmy’s Cookies grows beyond the confines of our brick and mortar bakery, we are constantly trying to find ways to help our customers through the purchase process. We ask ourselves everyday, what do our customers really want.  What customers want, coincidently, is not just a curiosity of business, or polite, but an intrinsic part of understanding marketing strategy and brand planning. It is not enough to assume customers want your product. Sure, they want an means to an end, but beyond that, your customers, like ours, desire a relationship.

    For example,  just think of the man who goes to work, returns home, has himself a Coke or a Coors.  He isn’t really thinking of making a purchase…he’s incorporated the product into his lifestyle.  That’s the kind of strong personal relationship you want to facilitate.  

    Do your job of branding and your customers will start to feel loyal to your company name, thinking of you not as just a business they’ve had a transaction with, but as an actual part of their daily routine.  They don’t just buy from you when they need something.  They buy from you because it helps complete their day.  They buy from you because it makes their life a little more enjoyable.

    Gimmee Jimmy’s Cookies offers free shipping, incredible quality, and a variety of products that allow our customers to have the personal choice in what they are buying for their clients, colleagues and loved ones. Our holiday program and date picker features are a great way to get your shopping out of the way by purchasing in advance, and we’ve worked hard to create the perfect system which allows our customers to upload their address book swiftly and order en-mass. These features are great, and something we’ve worked hard to implement, but the reality is, we would be nowhere if we didn’t treat our customers as people, rather than conversion rates, and friends rather than clients.

    So next time you are strategizing the next big move for your company, think organically about your customers, who they are, and what they would like in a relationship. Creating a relationship with your business connections, that’s what is going to make their lives easier, and their shopping that much more efficient. Offer something more than just a product. Offer a life experience, and a relationship that is personal and worth keeping for the long-term.

  • Your Customers Want Gifts, Not Discounts


    Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies. Perfect for every occasion Gimmee Jimmy's Cookies. Perfect for every occasion

    Why do so many businesses continue offering “loyal customer” discounts when they don’t really work for customer retention?

    The discount is really an outdated concept in business, going back to the old days where stores found it advantageous to pay less than wholesale price for certain products. With the advent of the Internet store, where front end costs on warehouses and retail stores could be minimized, lower prices and even auction prices became the new standard.

    Today, while there are still discounts available—usually through bulk buys or expired or discontinued merchandise—the sad fact is that the “discount” has become a cliché in the modern business world. Every company claims to offer a discount, usually with a very high mark up, making the product seem like a great deal, when in fact it’s just overpriced to begin with.

    Offering a customer or client a “discount” as a show of appreciation is not only not what they’re looking for, but in some cases it’s downright insulting.

    Studies of Interest

    No wonder then that a “whopping” 20 percent off is just not the thrill that it used to be. Nowadays, more people prefer superior customer service and personal attention, and that means that the “gift”, the extra incentive you get in addition or instead of the obligatory discount is more exciting and a better call to action. It’s also an effective technique in customer retention.

    Customer service has been definitively been proven as the most important aspect in modern business, particularly for smaller companies. A report from RightNow stated as much as 89 percent of consumers will change companies and go to a competitor after a bad experience. According to Desk, about 60 percent of consumers admitted that they would actually pay more money for superior customer service.

    Customer service, however, is more than fixing problems as they come about. All research suggests that more active campaigns, including ones that suggest action, are more effective than merely passing along a discount. According to Creative Minds, discounts are practically insignificant to the modern consumer if they are below 10 percent. However, a discount over 20 percent may well be a tip that something is too good to be true; indicating overpricing. The ideal percentage discount is 15 percent—but hardly anything newsworthy in the mind of most consumers.

    On the other hand, companies that promoted gift-giving campaigns, including free thank you gifts, in addition to buy 1 and get 1 free call-to-action gifts, reported more interest from regular customers. According to a study called Expert vs. novice users: Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of online discounts and gifts by E. Crespo-Almendros and S. Del Barrio-García, experienced shoppers from online stores were more influenced by online sales promotions than new customers; furthermore they all reported they “change their attitude toward the brand” just upon seeing an online gift offered in the campaign. In contrast, no significant difference was recorded in measuring excitement for promotional incentives and discounts.

    Action is Everything

    Simply put, savings on a product’s price only means that you’re paying less a product you’re not quite sure if you want. But a free gift, a product that is desired and that has value, motivates people to take action—and always at a higher rate than a “regular” discount in price. Gifts represent action you take to experience a specific benefit, in addition to the need of the product you buy.

    GJCookies.com knows the value of a free gift, whether it’s coming from its clients who buy their friends and family thank you gifts, sympathy gifts, corporate gifts and birthday gifts, but also its own incentive programs passed along to consumers and corporate clients. They’ve found great success in their Birthday and Rewards Program, where free gifts are provided to loyal customers, promoting the idea of staying with the brand for years on end.

    Giving a gift may be the best way to ensure that customers continue to be excited about new promotions. Everyone can save these days…but only the best companies are capable of getting their audience excited and spending just for the possibility of unpredictable free gifts.

  • Why Customer Retention Saves You More Money Than New Client Sales


    Customer retention isn’t a new concept, although it’s safe to say it probably went out of style. The art of fostering good relationships is as old as human instinct itself. However, customer retention goes beyond merely doing the right thing and giving a listening ear to your clients.

    This art involves strategic planning to keep your customers happy, as opposed to simply pushing for new sales. The idea is that people who have already purchased from you are far more likely to make another purchase in the future, and the evidence is right there in front of you.

    Nut Free Brownies There are Enough Nuts In the Office. Send Nut-Free Brownies

      Instead of ramping up your outbound sales force, here’s an idea that can save you money – implement a customer retention plan instead. It’s also more effective and provides better return on investment than focusing all of your efforts on acquiring new customers.

    According to Forest Research studies, it costs at least five times more to acquire new customers than to keep the ones you already have. Similar studies suggested that) efforts to reduce “churn” (a.k.a. customers forgetting they ever bought something from you ), just five percent led to anywhere from 25 to 125 percent in profit increase.

    Simply put, you build a business relationship with customers, and just as with a personal relationship, it becomes stronger over time. Loyalty is created and your brand recognition and trust skyrockets in the customer’s mind. You’re a part of his or her memory, their culture, and their day to day life.


    Strategies for Keeping Customers Happy


    The question is, how do you go from customer-friendly (which most businesses are naturally—how many managers really yell and swear at their customers?) to actually being proactive in making your customers feel loyalty to you?

    Some of the best strategies include:


    •  Setting Your Expectations Early: This is a great way to start letting customers know what they’re in for when they sign with you. Make promises slightly less than you’re capable of and then exceed their expectations.


    • Be an Expert, Not Just a Place for Them to Spend Money: If you have a technical business then rest assured most of your customers are counting on you to steer them right. Give a little extra by teaching them something—don’t just run a register.


    • Start a Constant Dialog: It’s not really much of a relationship if all you ever say to your customers is a bunch of sales fluff. Start a more personal dialog by way of monthly newsletters and blogs. You can also build social media-based relationships by staying active AND interactive on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn and InstaGram.


    • Customer Feedback: This is such a simple and yet an often neglected matter of politeness. If your customers buy from you, ask them for notes on improvement.


    It’s the little things that count in building personal relationships and by now we’ve learned that the same principle holds true in fostering business relationships and customer retention strategies.

    Be nice—it pays!

  • The Key to Keeping Customers Happy is to Feed Them

    Baked Daily - Always Fresh

    It’s safe to say that the most reliable businesses and industries are the ones that satiate our biological needs. That means that food retailers, restaurants, and producers and farms never really bottom out, even in recession. They can certainly be mismanaged, but the product is never out of demand.

    Following this line of logic, it’s best for entrepreneurs to take a baker’s point of view when it comes to marketing. What are you feeding your customers? If you analyze failed business strategies, you’ll generally find companies that did not capitalize on the needs of their audience, or the existing market.

    Treating your product or services like food, (like a commodity), works best. We all have appetites and the only way to curb those appetites is to offer delicious products that excite our sense of taste. We’re not just selling items for our benefit—we’re actually providing a need.


    Our recent rebranding at Gimmee Jimmy’s Cookies is a prime example. We specialize in delivering local bakery goods to our customers nationwide and beyond and offer convenient online options. The need is FRESH baked gift options. The additional need is convenient delivery, since our customers usually don’t have the time or resources to seek out physical stores, but still want everything a local, fresh bakery entails.

    We’ve also found a way to improve customer satisfaction and thus invest in customer retention. Customer retention is not just a way to say thank you and be “sweet” about the whole matter. Our gifts in cookies also increase brand awareness and brand trust.

    When customers receive free gifts they learn to associate the brand with positive emotions. That means more lifetime buys and customer loyalty. It’s good for the customer to be satisfied with purchases, and it’s good for us to reach out and treat each business relationship with care.

    Our corporate gift strategy is just one example of how to keep customers happy by feeding them. We offer free gifts in product samples, easy ordering options, options in flexibility and for numerous kinds of events. Investing in corporate gifts and customer gifts has ensured our growth over a short period of time, and much our recent success we owe to strengthening customer relationships through customer retention strategies like free gifts.

    The lesson here is, keep feeding your customers with positive emotion and with the products they need. Address their needs and keep them regularly satiated, with recurring shows of appreciation, strategically planned for the best and most productive seasons. Too many companies make the mistake of giving up or abandoning their strategies halfway into it, or even before. Give your customers a cookie and they’ll be happy for a day, but feed them continuously and you’ll have a solid base of customers that will never go away!

  • Employee Incentive Programs That Work!

    Employee Incentive Programs Matter, Here's Why

    Motivating employees is a special skill. As millennials continue to demand greater benefits, the traditional motivators such as money and cars become obsolete. What do employees really need? Mentorship and support. Sometimes support comes in the form of an encouraging word, or patience, and other times, support can come from believing in a work life balance, and supplying lunch.

    Need more convincing? Read our handy infograph below!


  • Crunching the Numbers: Corporate Gifts in Numbers

    Corporate Gifts are Serious Business

    Savvy business owners are warming up to the idea of supporting their marketing initiatives through targeted gifts. Beyond the traditional confines of financial rewards and incentives, small gifts are a non-intrusive way to establish customer loyalty, motivate employees and prospective recruits, and build brand awareness.



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