Keep Them Sweet: Thoughtful Yet Effortless Corporate Gifts

If your company sends corporate gifts to clients, affiliates, partners, sponsors or suppliers, you’ll recognise the time and effort that goes into this worthwhile business practice. What may seem like a small token to the sender can help promote a favourable impression of your firm to the recipient. By sending something thoughtful to the people who matter to your business, you can ensure you remain uppermost in their thoughts when they’re considering who to do business with in the future.

Quick and Easy Process Makes Corporate Gifting Simple!

We know it can be time-consuming collating names and addresses, personalising messages and making sure the right gift goes to the right person. That’s why we’ve designed a super-simple process that makes it a breeze to order multiple gifts to go to multiple addresses, each with a personal message. All you need is to follow the instructions given on Easy Order Upload page. You can add addresses manually, or upload a .csv file for the ultimate in ordering convenience.

Give a Corporate Gift They’ll Really Appreciate

Branded mousemat? Boring wall calendar? Yet another mug? The world of corporate gifting is vast and varied, yet finding a gift that’s great value, travels well and will be loved by your recipient can be trickier than it seems! Luckily for our corporate clients, everyone loves cookies, and our superb range of gourmet cookies, cakes and other bakes is bound to be appreciated by customers and business associates, whatever the occasion.

Whether you’re welcoming new clients, giving a token of your appreciation during the holidays or even celebrating an important event like an anniversary for your company, you’re guaranteed to find something suitable from our selection of irresistible baked treats. Our 7 step process for sending cookie gifts to multiple addresses means you’re just a few clicks away from ticking corporate gifts off your to-do list!

Gimmee Jimmy's Cookie Assortment Gimmee Jimmy's Cookie Assortment

Any of the products shown on our online store can be sent using the easy order upload method, so whether it’s a large assorted tin of treats to feed an entire office or an individual batch of cookies for a valued client, rest assured that we can help. A little sweetness will do wonders for customer satisfaction, your company image and the morale of those who matter.

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